Wednesday, October 20, 2010


As promised, here is a small card I painted with watercolors a few years ago. Now that I have some of my paintings here in Northern California along with my oils, canvasas and brushes, I'm on my way. As I looked into a box I titled, "Finished Artwork," I can't believe how some of these paintings are really good (I think). I almost started crying because these paintings brought back so many memories of my art classes and painting on my own just for the fun of it. There were also some black and white photos I shot and had developed in the dark room many years ago.

It only took me only almost a week to empty my van of my stuff I brought up from my trip to Southern California. This card, along with a homemade envelope will go to my friends in Southern California who had shown their gracious hospitality to me numerous times. A check will be inserted for them to buy some goodies for their animals or perhaps to have a dinner on me or both.
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