Sunday, August 1, 2010


Went on the hike/bike path this morning.  As usual, it was lovely with people riding their bikes, ladies chatting with their friends, dogs with their owners.  I wanted to see exactly where the two mile turnaround would be.  When I got to two miles I turned around, but to my surprise, when I arrived home, I only totaled a 3.89 miles.  It took me one hour and ten minutes.  8,234 steps, 8,150 aerobic steps in 67 minutes and 320 calories burned.

I passed by a lady named Patty.  I met this lady briefly on my walk last week with Rainelle and Janice.  Patty walks/runs 8 miles every other day.  She is no young chick and she’s always pretty tired when viewed.  She’s sweaty, staggers in her walk, weaving from side to side.  This may be just how her body reacts.  I don’t know how long she’s been doing this feat of strength, but sure hope she isn’t overdoing it.  She does carry water.  I didn’t notice if she carries a cell phone, but will keep it in mind if and when we meet again.  She said she was going to a dance tonight so she’s only doing four miles today.

I’ll have to tell Rainelle tomorrow on our walk I met up with Patty.

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