Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Since I've gotten all of the downloads which include:  Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6, Photoshop Elements 11 and Bridge, I'm on my way of experimenting.

There are video illustrations showing artists performing certain tasks for the photographer, graphic designer and artists, they don't show the preliminaries of how to get a photo or a page to start doing those tasks.

Photoshop 11 was the only one where I knew where to start even though the whole format has changed.  They have just broken down that program to a simpler way of doing things my Photoshop 6 does.  They have a few more things, which I probably will never or rarely use.

So now to find a class in Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator which I'm most curious about since seeing what they can do with the little spatterings of video demonstrations.

Now I'm realizing why our community college has a prerequisite class before even delving into Photoshop CS6 or Illustrator.

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